“There came a time when the risk to remain tight in the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.”

~Anaïs Nin


Transformation & change

Have you ever made changes in your life only to find that in a matter of days, weeks, or months you've found yourself right back were you began? This happens because change is quantitative, it temporarily shows measurable gains or losses. It's the WHAT and the HOW. Conversely, transformation is qualitative. It's the “WHY". 

In our work together, we apply quantitative metrics of growth and examine the qualitative roots of destructive behaviors and limiting beliefs. By doing this, we don't just change your habits, we transform them. By aligning your WHY with action of HOW and WHAT, we fundamentally restructure your belief patterns to take them from limiting to LIMITLESS.  

tools of the masters

Throughout human history many great teachers and masters have shared the tools and tricks of their wisdom, happiness and productivity. From the Vedic scriptures of ancient India and the Stoics of Rome to Transpersonal psychologists and quantum physicists to world class entrepreneurs and high performers in any field; we will rely heavily on these teachings to create tangible and actionable exercises that promote...ACTIVE TRANSFORMATION! 

Together we will:

  • Eliminate brain fog

  • Discover a well of vital energy, joy, and inspiration

  • Bring enchantment to your life

  • Embrace your inner wisdom

  • Have some FUN!

  • Design the next phase of your life

  • Uproot limiting beliefs

  • Create positive, lasting habits

  • Clarify your true purpose

  • Optimize your health

  • Awaken hidden talents